Saturday, October 22, 2016

BEYOND The TIME VIBE: NOVEMBER 2016- Time-PHASE 1; 11/1-9/2016

November's [11] Time cycle frequency introduction began in mid- October's (1) collective Time frequency cycle. 

The taste of the (1) Collective frequency wave for the oncoming annual collective cycle  of 2017, is serving appa-teasers on the table through the month of November's frequency in an AMPLIFIED communication between [You/I AM] and All That Which Is BEYOND Time.

Let Us take a moment to read those liked descriptors, and digest a bit, shall we? 

The [11], which is comprised of a Nuclear IDEA pulse regarding the Mastery objective that One represents in action, in the Time adventure.  Read it again.   This is what I/YOU/WE, in Earth Time are about to undertake- with both hands on the Wheel of Life. 
Only, when there are DOUBLE DIGITS, as in the Master Number frequencies , the depth and Breadth of the Expansion has free access to DATA, AND with full Assistance of all currents of FLOW with Source Self.  
The Interchanges, in [11] frequency are out of this World. Literally.  

The First PHASE of November open up these repeating frequencies to tap-tap-tap into for the most Expansive ride BY CHOICE... 
ACTIVE and COMMITTED Now Focusers, will have a hoot this month...the SYNCHRONISTIC evidences of your own strengthening FOCUS skills are increasing, and what you WANT is becoming an easy Flow. 

In the collective arena, i can look like a BUNCH of Others waking up and taking a committed stand to RE-direct the activities and productivity of Community into a NEW direction of Inclusion, Unity, Peace.... BALANCE, by way of a renewed connection with High-Minded Goals and IDEAS.  

The Frequency pattern for 1st Phase November 2016 =

*The daily Frequency Insights can be found (here) ; (here); (here); FOLLOW for auto-updates.

11/1/9 (2016=9) = 21:3
11/2/9 = 22:4
11/3/9 = 23:5
11/4/9 = 24:6
11/5/9 = 25:7
11/6/9 = 26:8
11/7/9 = 27:9
11/8/9 = 28: 10: 1
11/9/9 = 29: 11:2

JUST LOOOOOK at all of those [1's], [2's], and [11's] in FULL REVERB. 
And this Phase ending on a HIGH note- 11/9/9= [11] !!!

Because we don't break down the [11] when calculating, the sum-numbers of the day frequencies all equal twenty-something.... 
And SO, we are given the (2) as a Guidepost for the emphasis on how "things in Time" will play out.  
Hold [11] focus for as long as you can.  
It Naturally drops to [2] so that we can rest, but not to use as passive, or submissive avoidance for making the changes that are being offered in Visions and Imagery in this cycle. 

This INITIATORY PHASE of this Month's frequency wave opens up new lines of communications, and a first welcome to the DATA that is trailing from the cracks in the Time Reality from OTHER places.  
(2) indicates the company of Others along the way; urges toward conversations, sharing, gathering, communicating, communing, Co-Creating, partnering, and moving a GROUP project along. 

Each daily frequency signature that has [11] will always carry with it the IDEAS as described (here)  .... This is also the main feast and Mastery Objective of this month's Collective Time experience. 
Read it as often as necessary to keep up with the surprises that new data brings.  
And, it's a full month of streaming powerful Insights and pertinent data, to You
Use that data for Doing Good. 

THINGS in Time can appear to be moving faster, until there is a particular topic of personal FOCUS that is still harboring emotional resistance.  That's when things really slow down---when we are in deep Self denial about something. 

The annual (9) Frequency is allowing the clearings to happen MUCH more easily till the end of 2016.  
Use THIS PHASE to gather DATA from withIN, and to gather more REFINED DISCERNMENT SKILLS by sharing initial InSights on the PREFERENTIAL PATHWAYS presenting to You in your own Imagery and Visions.  

Collectively speaking, this first PHASE of November, is AMPLIFYING the information needed at this Time regarding a BIG move/shift in process. 

Be Humble, Respectful, Authentic, and Kind as you wade through a new awareness of the contributions, actions, communications of Others, both good and evil.  
Speak to contribute, and Uplift the general mood of the situation.
If you don't have something uplifting or supportive to add to the conversation - BE QUIET, or you'll cut someone off at the knees with your tongue so fast you won't even believe you did that, yourself. 

(9) is the Mastery Frequency that brings compassion, Forgiveness, and the RELEASES so that we don't have to spin the same old lessons around ANY FURTHER.  
RE-visit the descriptors of [9] as often as necessary... because THAT is the Overarching objective which we are Mastering as a Collective/Participant until 2017 kicks in. 

This month we get to BEGIN TO SEE the old reality constrictions, as  NON-Options for the Next.  We ALSO get to SEE new OPTIONS that we never knew existed, and add them to the New Time Architecture plans in the current release and re-new stages of the Collective Intention. 

You can FOLLOW, or SUBSCRIBE at any page or portal, for automatic updates, at your desired frequency for the breakdown of the  Monthly,   daily,    or weekly cycles.

AS INSPIRED, you can support the Flow here by a Gift Exchange at PayPal: (Friends and Family Option, Please. :)