Saturday, October 22, 2016

BEYOND The TIME VIBE - SITE UPDATE - NEW : (Weekly) Collective Frequency Overview

These new pages contain Time-Frequency Cycle Translations in the perspective of an addition LENS added for more detailed view of the windows of OPPORTUNITY, at hand.

These smaller bites of Perspective are shared for those who are in the midst of the SHIFT with adequately Uplifted sense of Identity, and Self Responsibility as an additional TOOL for an active and committed Now-FOCUS Practitioner.

In an attempt to streamline for the Readers, and to also attempt add consistency (not sure if that is a real thing in an ever-shifting reality), these (Weekly) Phase Translations of the Global Translations, can be found (HERE).
The daily "Tweets" are posted on Twitter, and follow-able on FB as well at
The Empress Of Time on FB.

For the interest of those who ARE in Full SHIFT, with deliberate focus and SELF-RESPONSIBILITY,  the network of pages and resources provided in all Empress Of Time sharing portals are for the explicit intention of Self RE-Cognition, as I AM.  
All Expressions within each TEOT portal are researched and published for the edification and fascination of the writer, firstly, and then for the use, validation or amusement of the Reader.

If You are reading any of these pages, YOU have chosen to expand your own Perceptions and take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your own experiences, as Ever.

WELCOME to the NEW TIME REALITY Multi-Dimensional BEing Skills Building and RE-Ferences pages for Creating YOUR New Time Reality Practice Playground!

It is my most sincere and Highest of Intentions to All Ways BE the Reflection of Love and Expansion to All who may come upon ANY of My expressions and Translations, across All Time, Dimension, Space, and Reality.

 You can FOLLOW, or SUBSCRIBE at any page or portal, for automatic updates, at your desired frequency for the breakdown of the  Monthly,   daily,    or weekly cycles.

AS INSPIRED, you can support the Flow here by a Gift Exchange at PayPal: (Friends and Family Option, Please. :)